The 6 Biggest Website Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Nik | Ronin & Co.

Your small business website is often the first impression you make on potential customers. A poorly designed website can send them clicking away in seconds, while a well-designed one can capture their attention and convert them into leads. But with so many design elements to consider, it's easy to make mistakes.

The 6 Biggest Website Design Mistakes:

After years of making websites, we've compiled several of the biggest website design mistakes to avoid that small businesses often make and offer actionable solutions to fix them. By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure your website makes a positive impression and helps you achieve your business goals.

1. Ignoring Responsive Design & Accessibility

A website that doesn't look good and function flawlessly on all devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones) is simply unacceptable these days. Users expect a seamless experience no matter how they access your site. Add web stats, mobile usage vs browser usage.

Solution: Ensure that your website is user friendly by testing it out on different screens (laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile). Nothing is more frustrating to users than a website that's not fun to visit.

2. Unclear Value Proposition

Your website should tell visitors what you do and why they should choose you in seconds. A confusing or missing value proposition leaves them wondering and unlikely to convert.

Solution: Craft a clear, concise, and compelling statement that highlights your unique selling proposition and the benefits you offer. Use strong visuals and persuasive language to grab attention and communicate your value effectively.

Generic Landing Page do not convert
Generic headlines will not convert visitors, instead will leave them confused.

3. Cluttered and Confusing Navigation

No one enjoys getting lost in a maze. A website with overly complex navigation or too many menu options will leave users frustrated and abandoning their search.

Solution: Keep your navigation simple, intuitive, and consistent. Use clear and concise labels, prioritize key pages, and consider implementing a search bar for easy navigation.

Busy navigation bar with too many links
Busy navigation with too many options

Terrible Loading Speed
Poor loading times will deter visitors

4. Slow Loading Speed

Patience is a virtue, but website users don't have much of it. A slow-loading website will result in high bounce rates and lost leads.

Solution: Optimize your images, minify code, use a reliable web hosting service, and leverage caching plugins. Monitor your website speed regularly and address any performance issues promptly.

5. Lack of Calls to Action (CTAs)

Don't leave visitors guessing what you want them to do next. Clear and compelling CTAs are essential for guiding users towards conversion.

Solution: Include strong CTAs throughout your website, directing visitors to contact you, download a brochure, request a quote, or take any other desired action. Use contrasting colors, action verbs, and clear benefits to make your CTAs stand out and motivate action.

6. Using A Common Template

I see small businesses using the same templates for their website, over and over. How do you hope to stand out where competition is incredibly high?

Solution: Spend a little bit of money on your website and get a premium template, at least. Using the same free template that everyone other is using cheapens the user experience. Your users will know.

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